TítuloCourage to Act
Campaña Courage to Act
Anunciante Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor
Marca Misereor
PostedAgosto 2011
Sector Empresarial Acciones Caritativas, fundaciones, voluntariado
Filosofía Misereor, the German Catholic Bishops Organisation for Development Cooperation, supports humans in need - regardless of religion, ethnicity or gender, mostly in poor and politically instable coutnries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. What do we, living in safety, stabilty and abundance, know about the people whose cause Misereor supports? The 2011 campaign by German agency Kolle Rebbe, "Courage to Act", highlights the bravery with which these indomitable people act in the face of injustice, hardship and war: they resist, question, fight, and stay.
Medio Televisión y Cine
Director creativo
Director creativo
Director artístico
Director artístico
Responsable de conceptos / redactor
Música / sonido Vandertone Music
Música / sonido Sound Manufactory

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