Kate Allsop

Kate Allsop

Senior Creative at CHI & Partners
London, Reino Unido
Senior Creative
Valenstein & Fatt
Reino Unido
March 2017 - September 2017 (6 meses)
We are Valenstein & Fatt.You may know us as Grey London. It’s a small name change, but a big deal.We were founded in 1917. Born into a world of division and discrimination. Our founders unable to put their own names above their office door.Fast forward to 2017Everything has changed, and yet nothing has changed. Too much in this world is still ugly.We know that the more diverse we are, the more powerful our ideas will be. So we will continue to celebrate difference. To break down barriers to progress and opportunity. We believe that everyone has the right to put their name above their door.Whoever you are, wherever you come from. We are Open.
Reino Unido
August 2007 - March 2009 (1 año 7 meses)
London, Reino Unido
2003 - 2007 (4 años)


June 2018 - June 2018 (1 segundo)

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