TítuloMaking Happiness
Campaña Making Happiness
Anunciante Lee Valley Tools
Marca Lee Valley Tools
Fecha de primera difusión/publicación 2024 / 4
Sector Empresarial Productos para la casa y mantenimiento
Sinopsis As Lifelong Crush continues to focus on production craftsmanship, a new spot for Lee Valley, “Making Happiness” showcases the increased range of the agency’s capabilities since bolstering in-house production talent with the addition of Brad Kumar as Studio Director and Integrated Producer/Production Coordinatro Rae Harder.

The spot, directed and produced entirely in-house (including pre and post-production) leans into the brand’s DIY DNA to remind woodworkers to relish in the ‘doing’. Shot with vintage macro lenses and a contemplative voice-over, the spot evokes a crafted feeling of nostalgic detail that woodworkers can relate to. It utilizes a shallow depth of field and AMSR-esque sound design to highlight the happiness woodworkers feel when they’re cutting, sanding and ‘playing’ with wood.

The production discipline has been central to Lifelong Crush since its inception in 2020. With the addition of CCO Derek Blais and Partner, CCO Christina Yu in 2023 – who has directed a number of spots for brands like Kruger, Subaru and The Canadian Women’s Foundation – the team has adopted a maker-mentality attached to its ‘unconstrained ideas’ mantra. With a next-level passion for working on projects from initial creative concepts right through to execution they’ve bolstered the agency’s production leadership with the addition of Brad Kumar and Rae Harder.
Medio Televisión

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